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Reflections on 2021


It’s that time of year…
to reflect on what we have accomplished and set intentions for the year ahead.  I hope your year has been prosperous and blessed.  I wanted to take a moment to share with you all of the blessings that have happened in my business this year because without you, my clients, it wouldn’t have been possible.

I set out in 2021 with the intention to bring more healing modalities into my practice.  With that in mind, in March I completed my training to become a certified HeartMath provider.  HeartMath is a system of technology and techniques that help you unlock the power of your heart to take back control of your emotions.  You can learn more about the HeartMath system by clicking here.

In April I became an Access Consciousness Bars Practitioner.  Access Bars is a series of 32 points on the head that are gently held to reset your brain.  It’s very much like cleaning up your computer’s cluttered hard drive - it creates space for what you actually want to have in your mind and, therefore, your life.  To learn more about Access Bars, click here

In June I moved into my own office space.  This has allowed me to provide a quieter, more spacious environment for the variety of services I now provide.  Also in June, I graduated with my Master’s in Spiritual Science from Peace Theological Seminary and College of Philosophy.  This was a two year program I had started in September 2019.  I decided to continue my studies and started the three year Doctor of Spiritual Science program back in October.  You can learn more about these programs by clicking here

I also worked throughout the year on revising my Reiki Level I and Level II course manuals and completing my Reiki Master course manual.  I’ve incorporate much of what I’ve learned through all my studies over the past three and a half years so I can teach my students how to care for themselves first so they may care for others.  With the incorporation of these additional spiritual techniques, I have branded my Reiki classes “Reiki for Inner Awareness.”  I am currently offering all three levels of certification on a one-on-one basis.  If you are interested in learning more about Reiki certification, please contact me.

So what’s in store for 2022?  It is my intention to continue my work on my Doctorate as well as become an Access Energetic Facelift certified provider.  I also want to take my Reiki certification classes online through Thinkific so I can reach more students though this online, self-paced platform.  And I want to provide my Reiki students with a forum to ask questions and share about their experiences practicing Reiki on themselves and others.  

I’m grateful for all the blessings I have received in 2021, and I am excited for what is to come in 2022.  Again, none of this would have been possible if not for the love and trust of my clients, so thank you.  I’m grateful for you.  God bless you.  I love you.

And I would love to hear about your 2021 and intentions for 2022.  Wishing you limitless blessings and joy today and always.

In loving service,


Previous entry: Gratitude - why it’s not just for Thanksgiving